ATP 09 - David Lecko from Deal Machine going through the ATP Gauntlet.

March 7, 2023

Very excited to hear what David has to say about our gauntlet of questions about the Myths of Prosperity! He is a seasoned investor, and SaaS Founder of one of the most popular Real Estate Products in the industry! His insight will be great for those looking to understand the mindset on active versus passive wealth building, and putting active income to work.

A little about David:

David Lecko is the CEO of DealMachine, an app that enables real estate investors to find off-market deals and contact any property owner via direct mail, email, and phone with a single click. In the last year, the app has been downloaded over 200,000 times and used to capture over 11,000,000 potential deals by “driving for dollars” teams. DealMachine has added millions of dollars of revenue to scaling home buying businesses around the United States.

David is a real estate investor himself building a rental portfolio on Indianapolis.

David can be reached at

Twitter: @tweetingDavid @dealmachineapp



Instagram: @dlecko @dealmachineapp


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